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Golden Valley by George Largent

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DIMENSIONS (Height - 100.00 cm X Width - 75.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Watercolour on Paper
GENRE Contemporary
REGISTERED NRN # 000-2018-0141-01
COPYRIGHT © George Largent


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Artist: George Largent


                      George Largent - Contemporary Artist & Traditional Painter



George Largent is an outstanding contemporary watercolourist.  George was born in England, but immigrated to Australia at age eight. By the age of sixteen he was studying at the National Art School in East Sydney, later undertaking further studies in London. Upon completion of his studies, George became a commercial artist. A year later he moved to New York to continue his career.


In 1965 George accepted a position as Art Director for a successful advertising company. Two years later, he started his own advertising agency that ran successfully for sixteen years. In 1984, after selling his agency, he decided to return to painting full-time. Since then, he has specialised in watercolour accumulating many awards and a very strong following with corporate and private collectors.


Although he is an accomplished traditional artist, George is renowned for his exciting and captivating contemporary style that conveys his emotional attachment to the Australian landscape. Each work is further confirmation of his magnificent control over watercolours. Exactly how this control is achieved remains a mystery and a fascination for artists and the public alike.


For the discerning buyer, George Largent\'s beautiful paintings are treasures for they reveal \"alternative views of Australia\" captured by the most artistic of contemporary styles.